by Miranda Booher, RN | May 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
As pediatric dental professionals, one of the most frequent questions we get is: “Why do we fix baby teeth if they are going to fall out anyway?” There are many different reasons why dentists fix baby teeth with cavities. In this blog post, we are going to...
by Miranda Booher, RN | May 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Do I need a pediatric dentist? What’s the difference between a general dentist and pediatric dentist anyway? Parents come to our pediatric dentistry with these questions often. Many times, the thought of using a dentist specifically for children doesn’t...
by Miranda Booher, RN | Apr 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
Problems latching on. Painful nursing. Colic. Failure to thrive. Many of these problems can be caused by a tongue-tie or lip-tie in a baby. Check out the following video to learn more about the treatment of a tongue-tie or lip-tie at our pediatric dentistry. When it...
by Miranda Booher, RN | Jan 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
Cavities are a common problem during childhood. Yummy candy, late night snacking, and forgetting to brush are the ingredients to sugar bugs attacking and making holes in your child’s teeth. Since parents often ask us “Which type of filling is the best and safest...
by Miranda Booher, RN | Jan 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
Losing teeth can be a scary experience for your child. It marks the first movement from being a “little kid” to being a “big kid.” You can help make the experience less intimidating by introducing the tooth fairy. She can be a fun tradition for the whole family to...
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